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DARKKO 4. Ayında! +500.00 TL Ödül Teslim Edildi

Chaos - Details

Önerilen Mesajlar

Event Name : Chaos

Event Schedule : Every day , there is certain time for chaos.

How would you join Chaos ? ;

  • * In order to join this event , you need to be online when this event occurs.
  • * When it's the time of Chaos,  you can simply click onto join via this pop-up and you become a candidate for joining.



Details about Chaos Map ; 

  • War management ; Everyone is EQUAL and FFA ( Free for all ) 
  • Time ; 20 minutes
  • Max. 18 people can fight against each other at the same time. You will get ranks depend on your kill and death scores.

Rewards ; 


● 1st (  Blue Treasure Chest  + 750 KC +  Chaos Emblem +  2000 NP) (Emblem Time 8 Hours) mav.pngchas.pngnp.png5af5352db2565_Balksz-1.png.9cb56c0e0d8268330bb34245f34370af.png

● 2nd  ( BlueTreasure Chest +650 KC + Chaos Emblem +  1000 NP )  mav.pngchas.pngnp.png5af5352db2565_Balksz-1.png.9cb56c0e0d8268330bb34245f34370af.png

● 3rd  ( Green Treasure Chest +550 KC +  Chaos Emblem +  1000 NP ) yeşil.pngchas.pngnp.png5af5352db2565_Balksz-1.png.9cb56c0e0d8268330bb34245f34370af.png

● 4th ( Green Treasure Chest +450 KC +  Chaos Emblem +  750 NP ) yeşil.pngchas.pngnp.png5af5352db2565_Balksz-1.png.9cb56c0e0d8268330bb34245f34370af.png

● 5th  ( Green Treasure Chest +350 KC +  Chaos Emblem +  750 NP ) yeşil.pngchas.pngnp.png5af5352db2565_Balksz-1.png.9cb56c0e0d8268330bb34245f34370af.png

event.jpg If you wonder what Event Coin will do Click here.

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