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DARKKO 4. Ayında! +500.00 TL Ödül Teslim Edildi

innovation Event Coin, Green Soul & Awards & Information

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Greetings Knights!
DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience.


765-e468a7287681c91bd2290b9ebbd29b6b.jpg1577226722094.pngThey have the image on the left and 1 will be given to "Losing" and Winning Users in Activities like BDW, Chaos, Knight Royale in the Game.

NOTE: It Cannot be Trade and Placed into the Bank.



So what can we collect and do?

765-e468a7287681c91bd2290b9ebbd29b6b.jpg When We Collect and Deliver 6 Event Coins 1x Screenshot_7.png  Red Treasure Chest You can take.

1577226722094.png When We Collect and Deliver 6 Green Coins 1x Screenshot_14.png Green Treasure Chest You can take.



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