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Araştırmada 4 sonuç bulundu

  1. Hail Knights! DarKKO team will tell you briefly yet another feature of our system. Let's not forget that, these kind of modified are designed for you to have a comfortable and fun gaming experience. What is Client ( Exe ) ? Client ( Exe ) is a feature that allows you to minimize your game to your taskbar. For instance ; You are trying to sell your items via merchant system , or you are grinding with genie ; also you are surfing the internet. You would want Swapping through apps. While you are in game you need to press ''F12'' . This way you will get rid off unnecessary CPU-GPU usage. Clicking twice to Application icon is enough to use your client again.
  2. Greetings Knights!DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience. Web Browser system allows you to whether watch our streams and videos in our YouTube channel , or you can simply surf on the internet if you will. What is Web Browser System? Web Browser System allows you to join in game events and watch our live streams with easy. This way you would watch our stream or join in game events while grinding and gearing up your character. If you want to log into different website , for example ( Facebook , Youtube etc. ) In-game H screen down below has web browser section. You can simply enter the url you want to browse. Browser you can watch our live streams is ; In - Game Right next to HP Bar Logo allows you. AYou can move this tab with holding onto Web Browser text and move around with your mouse left click.
  3. Greetings Knights!DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience. Blocked Users; Can't send PM Can't send Duel Request Can't open Merchant Table Can't send Party Request Can't send Trade Request Can't send Clan Join Request User Blocking system no longer needs you to do anything more than simply clicking onto an icon or you can block anyone with H tab. You just need to press H and go to Block_User tab. You can write down the name of the player you want to block. Another way of blocking a player is simply clicking onto this icon in your private chat. The person you have blocked will receive this message. If you want to unblock a player, it is enough to press your 'H' Button and go to Block_User_List. You can delete the person you have blocked in the list.
  4. Greetings Knights! We DarKKO team will give you details about our Scrolls renting system. Let's not forget that these kind of modified features will make sure you to have a better experience in our game. What is Scroll Renting NPC ? Luferson Castle , Elmorad Castle , Ronark Land map has this [ National ] Enchanter NPC. When you have given the coins needed , you will get your scroll in return for 30 minutes.
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