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Araştırmada 6 sonuç bulundu

  1. Merhaba 2 gundur bu hatayi duzeltmekle ugrasiyorum ve internette ne soylendiyse yaptim ayni hatayi aliyorum en son ekran kartini degistirme olayi kaldi onuda yapmicam. Bu hatayi alipta duzelten varsa anlatabilirmi. Ve darkko gercekten bunun yuzunden cok user kaybedicek cogu kisi bu hatayi alicak dx surumu yuzunden ve tam bir cozumu yok farkli farkli methodlar anlatiliyor ve hic biri ise yaramiyor. Xacs ailesini tebrik ederim birsey yapmadan hatalari varmi die bakmadiklari icin ..
  2. Greetings Knights! DARKKO team will inform you about our offline merchant feature. With the renewed Offline Merchant System, you will now be able to set up a maximum of 3 Offline Merchant. You just need to quit the game after you have set your merchant up. Until the account is logged in or all the items are sold, your character will remain as a merchant. Even if you are not online.
  3. Hello DARKKO ; How It Works & Activated? When you log into your account for the first time, an image like on the screen will be waiting for you next to the "Server List". You need to create a pattern like your classic phones, but it will not be easy and not too difficult.If you do not want to use it, you can enter the game directly. Of course, we do not suggest this. I created it as an example and clicked the Create button. Then it will ask us to create the same to confirm again. We Draw Again To Confirm. We confirmed and such an image welcomes us. Our Account is Now Protected by Pattern Lock.
  4. Greetings Knights! DarKKO team will inform you about our new item refund/return feature. You can refund/return the item you purchased from Power-UP Store within 30 minutes. Press Refund Item button on Power-UP Store screen. The items that purchased from Power-UP Store within 30 minutes will list on this screen. Click the Refund button right next to target item and agree the refund process with the next button. The item will be returned and spent TL or KC will be added to your balance.
  5. Greetings Knights!DarKKO team will tell you about yet another feature of our server. Let's not forget that these modified features allows you to have a better gaming experience. What is this feature ? We have developed this system for your best interest. You can simply check someone's inventory and see what item he has own , when he own and how he own. You will be able to see the time been spent for the item, or purchased from whome , or how did it been obtained! You only need to check user's inventory using User Info and hold onto CTRL while hovering your mouse onto the item you want to check. Examples are shown below :
  6. Greetings Knights! DarKKO team will inform you about our offline merchant feature. In order to use this feature you need to have one of these types of premiums : War , Disc , EXP Premium You just need to quit the game after you have set your merchant up. Until the account is logged in or all the items are sold, your character will remain as a merchant. Even if you are not online.
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